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We’re leading the way in community solar development, pioneering long-lasting, renewable energy solutions.

Nautilus Solar Energy® has been pioneering progress since 2006, and we continue to stand at the forefront of community solar development in the U.S. Strongly invested in our solar farms, our communities and our subscribers, our dedicated team has the expertise and the drive necessary to make each project a long-term success. We’re eager to form mutually beneficial partnerships by offering sustainability, expertise, cost-efficiency, and great value.

Nautilus Solar is a Great Choice for Your Business

We’re Your Strategic Partner for Sustainable Success

Join us, and let’s continue to make a significant mark on the community solar landscape. With our depth of expertise, robust financial backing, and a deep commitment to sustainability in every partnership, we’ll continue to pioneer the future of solar energy for decades to come.

  • Gear icon with check mark in the middle DECADES OF EXPERTISE

    Navigate the solar industry with a seasoned partner.

  • Hand with a floating coin above it icon SOLID FINANCIAL SUPPORT

    Backed by Power Sustainable, ensuring stability and growth

  • globe icon with two leaf petals below it COMMITMENT TO SUSTAINABILITY

    Drive change with clean, renewable energy solutions

Company Overview

  • Founded: 2006
  • Location: Representation in 10 states
  • Target Industries: Community Solar Projects
  • Committed Capital: $1.38B+
Map of the United States in light blue, with states serviced by Nautilus Solar highlighted in dark blue

Solid Foundation and Capital Backing

  • Nautilus is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Power Sustainable, the sustainably-led investment manager of Power Corporation of Canada (TSX:POW). Nautilus develops, manages and operates community solar assets exclusively for the Power Sustainable Energy Infrastructure Partnership.

  • In 2020, Nautilus US Power Holdco, LLC was established as part of an open-end investment fund managed by Power Sustainable. This initiative garnered approximately C$1.8 billion in capital commitments, fueling the expansion of Nautilus Solar’s robust portfolio of solar projects.

  • Leading in acquisition, development, financing, operations, and management, Nautilus Solar is at the helm of the solar projects owned by Nautilus US Power Holdco, driving innovation and success from the ground up.

Visit the Nautilus Newsroom

Explore the latest press releases, updates, and insightful resources from Nautilus Solar. Stay up to date on our community initiatives, strategic partnerships, and the continual strides we're making in the solar energy domain.

March 11, 2025

In 2024, Nautilus Solar added 149 MW to its operating portfolio, reaching nearly the 500 MW milestone, and delivered clean power to over 40,000 community solar subscribers

March 4, 2025

Nautilus Solar Energy®, a leading national community solar company, announced the opening of a 7.0 MW community solar project located on a remediation site in Sanford, Maine. The Nautilus Solar team worked with Walden Renewables Development LLC (the original developers), to finalize this innovative project which demonstrates how compromised land can...

Understanding IRA’s Impact on Community Solar

Get Our Inside Guide

Gain clarity and insights on the Inflation Reduction Act and its significant impact on community solar initiatives. Nautilus Solar experts offer an inside look at some of the challenges and solutions of solar community initiatives.


Meet Our Dedicated Team

Our Pride and Commitment Shine Through

Jeffrey Cheng

Jeffrey Cheng

Chief Executive Officer

Courtney Matsuishi

Courtney Matsuishi

Chief Legal and Administrative Officer

Camelia Miu

Camelia Miu

Chief Financial Officer

Nick Addivinola

Nick Addivinola

Vice President, M&A

Abigail Broedlin

Abigail Broedlin

Vice President, Asset Management

Eric LaMora

Eric LaMora

Vice President, Community Solar

Leah Neal

Leah Neal

Senior Director, Human Resources

Eric Paul

Eric Paul

Vice President, Partner Development

Sean Reaney

Sean Reaney

Vice President, Construction

Laura York

Laura York

Senior Vice President, Strategic Development

Tom Helfrick

Tom Helfrick


Julian Erfurth

Julian Erfurth

Vice President, Capital Markets

Michael French

Michael French

Executive Director, Business Operations