June 13, 2024
Your Ultimate Guide to Save Money on Electric Bills
While almost everyone relies on electricity in their day-to-day life, no one loves seeing that bill arrive in their mailbox or inbox. As valuable as electricity is, it’s hard not to wonder: Is there anything I can do to save money on electric bills? How can I reduce how much I spend keeping my appliances and devices up and running?
We’re happy to help. Read on for numerous things, big and small, you can do to make a difference on your power company bill’s bottom line. And if you really want to dig in to this topic, the U.S. Department of Energy provides info on how to do your own home energy assessment.
Fixes for High Electrical Bills
Problem: People’s ever-increasing electricity needs.
Fix. Community solar. The benefits of solar power include not only creating more affordable electricity but helping the environment. Click over here to get started (it only takes a few minutes, we promise!).
Problem: Unless you live somewhere that has a temperate climate year-round, allowing you to get away without either a furnace or air conditioner (and if you do, maybe let us know where that is!), you’re likely to have one or both of these appliances.
Fix: Keep your furnace and air conditioning units serviced and in good repair, consider the state of your home’s insulation and if it needs replacement, and just like good ol’ Mom and Dad always said, put on a sweater if you’re cold. If you don’t already have one, switch to a programmable thermostat and keep the temps under 68. Or drink more ice water when it’s hot rather than cranking up the A/C. Also? Ceiling fans can help with reducing reliance on A/C.
Problem: Other appliances like refrigerators that have to run 24/7 may be more efficient, but their constant electricity consumption makes them a major player too.
Fix: If your fridge is an older model and it’s possible to replace it with something newer, that’s a good start on saving energy. Many stores or manufacturers offer rebates and other financial incentives when you buy a more energy-efficient model. Keep the temps at what the manufacturer recommends, and don’t cram every inch with food.
Problem: You have an electric stove.
Fix: If you have an electric stove, turn it off shortly before the food is done. Usually, enough heat will remain to finish cooking the dish (but use a cooking thermometer to make sure the food is safe to eat).
Problem: Electric washers and dryers account for about 5% of your electric bill from the power company.
Fix: Avoid either small loads or overstuffed loads and use cold water. If it’s an option, air drying rather than using the dryer helps too.
Problem: Endless numbers of electric items we rely on—cell phone chargers, computers, TVs—are not individually drastic consumers of electricity. But the more of them we have, the more electricity they need.
Fix: An oldie but a goody: Turn off and unplug devices when they’re not being used. It may take you a few seconds of time when you have to restart your computer, but it will save money on your electric bill.
Problem: So much lighting, so few people are willing to turn off the lights when they leave a room. (Mom and Dad were right about this one too.)
Fix: There are a couple of solutions. Switch to LED bulbs, which are more energy-efficient, and consider installing motion detectors that automatically turn lights off when no motion is detected to further save on your electric bill.
More affordable electricity is around the corner. What are you waiting for? Join us today!