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Simple Ways to Protect the Planet

Simple Ways to Protect the Planet

Hardly a day passes before a new climate change event makes the news, alerting people to the need to take more action to save the planet. At Nautilus Solar, we’re proud to be part of the sustainable living solution by connecting people to solar farms that provide affordable electricity from a renewable source that reduces greenhouse gas emissions, a big step in mitigating climate change. We know it makes a noticeable difference. But we’re also interested in other work we can do as individuals to make a difference, especially if they’re easy and low-cost to implement. Our employees are passionate about sustainable living and have made it the culture of Nautilus Solar, where we all work to live by our core values. Here’s what we’ve learned.

Monitor your water use. 

Water is a limited resource. Use what’s needed and no more. That could mean checking your faucets at home to make sure they’re not leaking (did you know a leaky faucet can send as much as 90 gallons down the drain daily?).

Reduce dependence on plastic.

This one can go hand-in-hand with water intake because millions of people still drink water from disposable plastic bottles. We know plastic is an ever-growing problem for the environment. Use reusable containers to keep those plastics out of the ocean, because those plastics in the ocean are a major contributor to climate change. Start the habit of bringing those reusable bags to the grocery store to avoid coming home with plastic bags. 

Look for alternatives to driving. 

We understand this isn’t always practical, especially for people who live in areas that aren’t pedestrian- or bike-friendly or with adequate public transit. But even people who must use cars regularly can take steps to reduce the impact. First, keep cars maintained. Even something as simple as keeping tires properly inflated can increase gas mileage. Second, plan errand trips so that several things can be accomplished on one trip rather than taking multiple trips. These both can contribute to sustainable living. 

Try composting.

Any way we can reduce the amount of garbage heading to the landfill, we’re making a difference in the environment. Composting is a relatively easy way to manage food scraps and yard waste. (Here’s an article covering the basics of beginning to compost along with charts explaining what should and shouldn’t be composted.) 

If you live somewhere that’s not practical for composting yourself, look for resources in your community. More and more cities and regions are developing community compost sites where residents can bring compost for free or for a small fee.

Plant trees. 

Trees are incredibly Earth-friendly because they clean the air and provide needed oxygen. Don’t have room in your yard? Look for local parks and arboretums that might welcome volunteers to plant trees or have resources for other spots that would like more trees.

Eat sustainable foods. 

This is a two-fold approach, and people can do one or the other, or both. Large food production facilities account for 25% of greenhouse gas emissions. Buying foods from companies that are openly working to reduce their environmental footprint and adversely affect the land is one start. Another is to buy foods from local providers, since that food won’t have been sent by truck or train thousands of miles. You could even grow some of your own food, even if that’s just a strawberry pot or tomato planter for your patio.

Think solar.

Of course, we’re going to recommend community solar! At Nautilus Solar, we’re big believers in the power of solar energy to save the planet. It’s easy, costs nothing to start, and not only helps battle climate change, but it can also even save you money.

Interested in learning more about community solar? Here’s how to get started

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