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Minnesota Community Solar 101: The Future of Affordable Electricity

Minnesota Community Solar 101: The Future of Affordable Electricity

There are exciting things happening in the world of solar power in Minnesota. On May 24, Governor Tim Walz signed House File 2310 into law. Among the provisions of HF 2310 is the abolishment of contiguous county restrictions for community solar and increasing project size from 1 megawatt (MW) to 5 MW.

What does that mean for Minnesotans? It means more residents will have access to affordable electricity generated by clean energy. People who have been unable to appreciate the benefits of solar power, whether due to being a renter, not being able to afford solar panels, or not having the right rooftop for panels, now have the potential to enjoy the same benefits as people with solar panels. They may have the opportunity to reduce their electric bills while knowing they’re working with a highly sustainable and environmentally sound form of energy.

Minnesota was an early supporter of the community solar format. It was the first state to pass legislation allowing residents to choose community-shared renewables. As part of its stated goal to achieve 100 percent renewable energy by 2040, passing HF 2310 allows the state to take a giant step forward. Currently, Minnesota ranks 16th in the nation for solar production thanks to progressive legislation promoting renewable energy. Increasing access to community solar could greatly increase the state’s standing in solar energy.

Nautilus is thrilled to be part of Minnesota’s move toward making the benefits of solar power more widely available in the state. We currently own and operate nearly 40 MW of operational and late-stage development projects. What does that mean? It means we will be able to provide clean energy to 8,000 homes.

What Do Minnesotans Have to Look Forward to?

Some people are interested in solar energy as a way to benefit from more affordable electricity. Others are interested in solar being a renewable, clean energy that bypasses the need for fossil fuels. Still, others would like to realize both those broad sets of advantages.

Regardless of which category someone belongs to, community solar is a win-win for them. No upfront costs and installation hassles, affordable electricity, and reduced carbon footprint from using one of the best sources of renewable energy are available for everyone who subscribes. To make it easier, subscriptions to Nautilus Solar Energy are free, and users can cancel anytime without penalty, so it’s simple to just try out. What’s more, the power from community solar comes from local solar farms. Farmers and landowners in your community earn extra income by leasing a portion of their land to Nautilus, which helps keep that income local and supports other local businesses as well.

Want to learn more about how community solar can benefit you in Minnesota? Reach out to us here.

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