Great news!
It looks like we have service in your area. If you’d like to continue, it’s best that you have the following ready to go.
· #1, you must have an online utility account. So, please have your utility login credentials on hand that way we can connect the two and prevent any delays in your solar savings.
· #2, your preferred payment method to setup recurring bill payments. We accept a bank account (or ACH) and credit card. Just know that in some cases, we may charge a small transaction fee to cover our cost for credit cards.
To setup your free account, enter your first and last name, your mobile phone number as well as your email address. If you have a home phone, you can add that as well, but it is not a required field. You will also need to create a password. It’s often recommended, but not required, that you use a similar password as you do with your utility account. Since you’ll retain a relationship with both of us, it’s easier when you need to log into either one.
No matter what password you choose, be sure your password follows all the latest standards to maximize your security.
At the bottom of the page, you will need to check the box stating you are the account holder of the utility account being registered. If you believe you qualify for low-to-moderate income assistance, check the second box as well. We will require a little more information from you on the next page. If you’re unsure whether you’re eligible for low-income assistance, click on this link to Learn More.
When you have filled out all the necessary fields, click START MY ENROLLMENT. Be aware that it may take a moment for the page to advance while we initialize your account set up.
See you on the next page.