Enrolling in Illinois


Congratulations on making the choice to support our planet, the local community, and your wallet in just a few simple steps.

You can soon call yourself a Solar Pioneer.

Your journey will be quick and painless and backed by encryption to keep your information safe during the process.

Here are the four steps so you know what to expect:

· 1st, Start your free account or if you’re a returning visitor, log back in to finish. · Connect your utility company to Nautilus Solar.

· Sign some acknowledgments

· And lastly, we will establish your preferred payment type

If you’re ready, this only takes about 7 minutes so let’s get started!

You can easily start a new enrollment by entering your 5-digit zip code, and then click FIND SOLAR.

If our services are available in the utility area, the system will let you know. Note that if you are a returning visitor, you can also click VIEW MY ENROLLMENTS to pick up where you left off.

If, like in most states, there’s more than one utility company to choose from, it is important that you select which utility company currently provides electricity to your home, because we will need to connect your account in a few simple steps.

Once selected, click SELECT UTILITY to confirm your choice. If Nautilus Solar has a community solar farm connected to the local grid with available space, you’ll see a map appear on the next page.

Enter your information and I’ll meet you there.