How to connect your Utility Info with Nautilus Solar Energy
With your profile completed, let’s capture your utility information.
As it relates to your usage, know that each solar farm has a fixed amount of capacity we can expect them to produce. And we need to ensure your utility usage – in combination with everyone else assigned to that solar farm – does not exceed that production.
If you’re in a state other than NY, then enter your utility company credentials so we can check your usage, click I WILL USE AN ONLINE ACCOUNT. If you’re in NY, we will talk about it in a moment.
Enter your Username and Password for your utility company and click VERIFY. We will then use Bayou Energy to verify your account number(s), and your energy usage so we can allocate the appropriate amount of clean energy from the solar farm to your home or business.
If successful, you’ll see a message appear on the screen that has a checkmark inside a yellow circle with the word “SUCCESS” beside it. If you scroll down a little, you’ll see your account number, which we need you to click to automatically select it for enrollment.
- If you need to register more than one account, please finish this account first. There will be an option to log in to VIEW MY ENROLLMENTS to see your other eligible enrollments at the end of the next page. If you need help, please contact Customer Care at (866) 969-4129.
If you do not have your utility info at the time of enrollment or need to finish enrollment at a later date you can always go to the Enrollment Portal to finish signing up at a later date.
If your online account credentials are not accepted, the system will then provide an additional option to select SKIP THIS FOR NOW AND GET IN TOUCH WITH ME. In this case, our Customer Care Team will follow up with you but there is still a little more information we need to collect since Bayou Energy could not. Please enter your Utility Account Number from your utility bill in the field provided. Then, drag-and-drop your existing utility bill, that is no older than 3 months, into the next box.
If you are in the State of NY, your screen will look different from the start of this page. You only need to enter your Account Number and your Point-of-Delivery ID (i.e. POD ID) from your bill. And you will still need to upload your existing utility bill – the same as all other states.
Just one page left!
Scroll down and click the FINISH YOUR SIGN-UP button to move to the last page.