Complete Your Profile (AO States)

Setting up your Nautilus Solar Energy profile

Your free Nautilus Solar Energy account was just created.

To ensure you get our communications, please set as a safe email domain to receive messages.

Let’s now setup your subscriber profile. Rest assured, all your information is completely private and is not shared with anyone else.

  • We will need the service address for your new clean energy account.
  • Your phone number in case we need to contact you regarding your account.
  • Your date of birth to validate your age 18 years or older to have the authority to sign up your household.
  • And, if you appreciate the convenience that text messages have to offer, please consider adding your cell phone number and click the CONSENT NOW checkbox to enroll.

If you need additional help, please hover over the question mark to the right of the field you need help on. Or you can call our Customer Care Team toll-free at (866) 969-4219.

That number is also located at the bottom of our website.

Step 3 of 5 is now done and there are just a couple more steps to go. For steps 4 and 5, have your online utility credentials and a PDF of your utility bill on hand.

When you’re ready, scroll down and click on the GET MY UTILITY INFORMATION button.

If your zipcode is in NY, then state requirements ask that you properly identify as a Low-to-Moderate Income (LMI) subscriber before advancing to the next page. Your options are:

  • I do not qualify for low-income discounts
  • I participate in a low-income assistance program
    • This choice requires you to upload a copy of authorized documents from a list so we can validate your participation.
  • I’d like to be contacted later to see if I qualify for a discount program

In Maryland there are several qualifications that may identify a subscriber as LMI including:

  • MD Energy Assistance Program 
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) 
  • Medicaid 
  • HeadStart 
  • Free and Reduce Meals 
  • Documentation of affordable housing residency 
  • Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) 
  • EmPOWER Maryland 
  • Fuel Fund of Maryland 

This list is not an exhaustive list of programs that may qualify subscribers as LMI. If you have any questions regarding LMI status, please reach out to customer care at or call 1-866-969-4129.

When done, scroll down to the GET MY UTILITY INFORMATION button and click it again.