Community Solar Blogs

5 Ways Community Solar Supports ESG Success

Written by Carlene Pruitt | Feb 2, 2023 8:49:00 PM

Corporations and businesses across the globe are recognizing the importance of addressing Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) issues in order to achieve long-term sustainability and success. Community solar can play 5 key roles in helping companies achieve their ESG goals by providing an affordable and sustainable source of clean energy without financial investment.

  1. Reduce carbon footprint - Community solar projects generate clean, renewable energy from the sun, and therefore, do not produce greenhouse gas emissions. By subscribing to a community solar program, companies can offset their energy consumption with clean energy, and thus, reduce their carbon footprint by offsetting energy consumption with a 100% renewable source.
  2. Support local communities - Community solar projects are typically located in the same communities where the energy is consumed which means they can provide economic benefits to local residents through job creation and local tax incentives. Furthermore, community solar projects can provide access to clean energy for underserved and disadvantaged households, helping to improve their quality of life by reducing pollution.
  3. Promote energy independence and resilience - By generating their own energy, communities can reduce their dependence on fossil fuels and become more self-sufficient. Solar energy contributes to a more resilient grid for all. This can be particularly beneficial in areas with limited access to traditional energy sources or in the event of power outages.
  4. Be a leader in the community – Companies can demonstrate clean energy leadership by educating and engaging communities about the benefits of renewable energy, including the technical aspects on who solar works. It’s also a great boost to employee morale by instilling a sense of purpose.
  5. Achieve a significant financial return – Community solar requires no financial investment or need to build on-site. In fact, companies can receive 10-25% energy savings by subscribing to a community solar farm owned and operated by a solar provider such as Nautilus Solar Energy. Community solar is an eco-friendly, low-cost power source that can also provide companies with a significant financial return.

Community solar can play a key role in helping companies achieve their ESG goals by providing an affordable and sustainable source of clean energy. Community solar can reduce a company's carbon footprint, support local communities, promote energy independence and resilience, educate and engage communities about the benefits of renewable energy, and receive a financial return. Companies looking to achieve long-term sustainability and success should consider incorporating community solar into their overall ESG strategy.